Projects Community CareMental Health

Evaluation of the Community Mental Health Transition to Recovery Programs

Projects Community CareMental Health

Evaluation of the Community Mental Health Transition to Recovery Programs

Projects Community CareMental Health

Evaluation of the Community Mental Health Transition to Recovery Programs

  • Services

    Evaluation & Advisory

  • Status


  • Client

    Queensland Department of Communities

  • Jurisdiction


The Queensland Government appointed AHA to evaluate the Community Mental Health Transition to Recovery Program (TTR).

This program comprised three separate programs:

  1. Transitional Recovery Program
  2. Resident Recovery Program
  3. Transition from Correctional Facilities Program

The key focus of the evaluation included:

  • Evaluating the effectiveness of the three Transition to Recovery Programs (TTR), primarily through examining the outcomes for their respective target groups
  • Determining the costs and client outcomes of these TTR community-based mental health programs relative to acute mental health services.

The evaluation utilized a mixed-methods approach to collect and analyse qualitative and quantitative data. Methods included:

  • Analysis of Queensland Mental Health Data
  • Analysis of financial reports from TTR service providers
  • Client and staff surveys
  • Interviews with clients, staff and other stakeholders
  • Client case studies
  • Profiling service providers.

The evidence gained from the evaluation was to be used by the Department to guide service and policy development in relation to support programs for people with a mental illness. Specifically, the evaluation informed government of how community-based mental health support programs influence outcomes for clients and their carers.

The final report is available here.

The evaluation informed government of how community-based mental health support programs influence outcomes for clients and their carers.