Australian Government Department of Health
AHA was engaged by the Australian Government to conduct an independent review of the National Cord Blood Collection Network (NCBCN).
The review involved examining specific aspects of the Network’s structure and function and providing advice to governments on future operational arrangements and funding requirements. It was conducted for the Intergovernmental Committee on Organ and Tissue Donation (IGC), a subcommittee of the Australian Health Ministers’ Advisory Council (AHMAC), which comprises representatives of State, Territory and Australian Government health departments and TGA.
The review comprised two related research and analysis projects.
The first project focussed on examining the current status and emerging developments in cord blood banking and transplantation, and considering Australia’s future needs and the Network’s role.
The second project focussed on examining the Network’s structure, organisation, functions and operating costs, and considered areas where efficiencies and other improvements may be made to meet Australia’s future needs and ensure best use of available resources.
In broad terms, the review involved:
•Establishing an understanding of the cord blood banking sector – its history, structure, organisation, regulation, activities and costs, and recent and emerging developments
•Critically reviewing the available literature on the role of cord blood transplantation and emerging developments
•Consulting with key stakeholders
•Considering and assessing Australia's needs for publicly funded cord blood holdings
•Identifying and assessing options for achieving organisational, operational and financial efficiencies and improvements
•Analysing future funding requirements
•Developing recommendations and reporting.
Information was gathered and analysed from a variety of sources including Network funding agreements, business plans, performance reports, business cases and reviews; other published reports on cord blood banking and transplantation, and reviews of the published literature on key aspects of the review.
The outcome of the project included a detailed report including set of clear recommendations, to inform future funding decisions and policy direction of the IGC.